After quite a long wait (hmm....almost a month?), I finally got this last night (a few hours ago, that is!) from an unexpected branch. :-)
Well, pardon for the inaccuracy of the date in my photo (hehe, that's Guam and not Manila time so it's 2 hours ahead)... I had dinner with a college friend who's set to leave very soon for a 1-year volunteer work in Papua New Guinea (and oh, she just can't wait to leave the office she's been with since we graduated from college! talk about loyalty, hmm). Ironically, we had dinner at a rival coffee shop which originated from Australia (the country, where, incidentally, my friend recently met her much-awaited boyfriend...yihee!). And because I was so eager to find out if, by chance, the coffee shop across from where we are have an available planner already (I tell you, it's been out of stock ever since I tried to claim my freebie!), I told my friend to accompany me there. The rest is history.... I even find myself ordering a mango tart for my friend and I to share...and...upon the barista's prodding, got myself a brewed coffee, too.
Well, that is one of the interesting pages in the planner as I flipped it open. And so, I am marking the date when I finally got my Starbucks Coffee Planner for 2006....

09 February 2006 (Thursday)
Harbor Square, Manila
A sneak peek at what's inside....
I'll fill out these blank pages in a while!
I'll end this post with another mug shot of my newly-acquired and long-awaited planner sans the "Thank You SparkHope" tag. :-)

Indeed, I hope to find my favorite!